Inner Vows // How To Get Rid of Them // Pastor Tonja Hall

Apr 23, 2023    Pastor Tonja Hall

Get ready for inspiring praise and worship and grab your bibles to follow along with Pastor Tonja Hall as she bring us a word from the Lord, "Inner Vows".

-- Inner - Situated Inside; internal (not obvious or easily discovered, not expressed, not apparent, hidden); mental or spiritual

-- Vow: a solemn promise; specifically one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition

-- Inner Vow: a binding commitment or determination made consciously or unconsciously in our hearts or in our minds

"When you make an inner vow, heaven has to back that up!" "Are you going God's Way...or your own way?

Where have you directed your life instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to direct it?"

Let's go!



