Worship with us every Sunday online or join us for our in-person Experiences each Sunday as designated. Whether online or in-person, we would love to know that you’re coming and welcome you to Amazing!
There is something extraordinary about people who are willing to respond. Those capable of agreement and thoughtfulness to serve others with care. Those who make faith and freedom a priority. Those who have decided that their transparency is inspiring. The sound of their worship is beautiful, big, and pure. The authenticity of how they carry the vision to RESTORE HOPE AND LOVE PEOPLE TO LIFE! You are God's people, and you are the best part of His bride, His church.
Find out more about our Amazing NextGen ministries.
Our Vision All People are born receptive to love, kindness, and hope. Our vision at Amazing Church is to RESTORE HOPE AND LOVE PEOPLE TO LIFE with biblical teaching and deep care for everyone.