"Apply Within", Part 10
"...to encourage and equip you with the tools to live the Generous culture of an Amazing Life, in every area of your life, by infusing you with the word of God to Apply it within."
"Whenever I make a natural decision to Glorify God, I trigger the Supernatural Power of God to work in my life!
Grab your bibles to follow along with Pastor Derrick takes us further in the message series "Apply Within" Part 10, "Generosity, Part C".
"Sooner than I expected, better than I thought!"
...starting out in life and wanting to get a job, ...signs that say we're hiring, help wanted, no matter what they are, you are required to make an application before you get the job or receive payment...it is the same with the word of God and being a disciple. You can do all the advertising to the outside, but it is what you apply that matters. This series is to help the believer apply and have success in this walk with Christ from the inside out..
Scripture reference:
Philippians 2:12, Acts 2:46