Shade : Intimidation (Anxiety)
The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have to put you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE!
What is shade? "...shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend..."
Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us.
"Dealing with SHADE and offence is common to the human experience and must be confronted; otherwise many believers will be overtaken and live intimidated into avoidance and anxiety versus the courageous victorious life."
"...Jesus dealt with intimidation shade on several occasions in his day and it was all to try and get Him to stop and not fulfill purpose."
- Matthew 12:38 – the religious leaders wanted a sign
- Matthew 13:55 – his homies
- Matthew 11:2 – 3 – from his cousin nem'
- Luke 23:36 – 37 – even on the cross they tried Him
"This kind of SHADE can be devastating and give birth to an enemy called ANXIETY that has the power to put your life’s progress in “idle”, all the potential but no power…"
-- "Anxiety – is similar to fear, except anxiety brings with it heaviness,..."
-- "Anxiety is...used to intimidate the believer out of the promises of God."
-- "Anxiety is fear and fear is a spirit and this is not from GOD!"
-- "Anxiety will drive you into a place where you never want to come out..."
-- "Anxiety will cause you to live this life of avoidance of truth..."
But the word of God tells us in Philippians 4:6–7 tells us God’s heart concerning you. You can do something about this now
1. Stop carrying worry with you – Proverbs 55:22
2. Stop looking at your life through your abilities – Matthew 6:25
3. Start trusting God in areas that you don’t trust Him – 1 Peter 5:7