Shade : Introduction

Nov 6, 2022    Pastor Derrick Golden

The objective of this series of lessons is to activate your faith to address tough conversations that have separated or prevented you from living in the freedom that Christ came for you and I to have to put you in a place of perpetual freedom from SHADE!


What is shade? Why does it happen? How do you handle it?

How do you heal it? What does scripture say about it?

What is the biblical way to handle this phenomenon?


- Shade is a subtle sneering expression of contempt or disgust with someone, acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend

- Shade is non-committal – "...I’m not saying it is, I’m not saying it isn’t…I’m just saying..."

- Shade is staining or defiling someone with humor or a snide comment

- Shade is a type of innuendo – two people talking and another one walks by and says "...mmmmmmmmnnn…."

- Shade alludes to, but does not directly address

- Shade insinuates at thing without declaring a thing, issue, or situation.

This creates avoidance, awkward situations, tensions, stressful encounters, and the big summation of all of these things is offence and because we get offended, instead of confronting, we carry the offence and subsequently throw SHADE directly or indirectly.

Satan’s objective is to get us to believe that we have been offended so that he can get the advantage on us.